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Gender Affirming Care & Gender Transition Therapy

Gender Affirming Care & Gender Transition Therapy

Journey Psychological Services provides gender affirming care and therapy services for transgender, genderqueer, and non-binary individuals that follow the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) standards of care.*

All services are conveniently provided online via secure video sessions.

Services available include:

  • Assessment and Diagnosis
  • Psychotherapy – gender identity exploration, gender dysphoria, gender questioning, gender transition
  • Letters for gender affirming procedures (GAP) based on therapy or separate evaluation, including support for:
    • Hormone Therapy
    • Facial Reconstructive Surgery (FFS, FMS)
    • Tracheal Shave (chondrolaryngoplasty)
    • Chest/“Top” Surgery (mammoplasty, breast augmentation, mastectomy)
    • Genital/“Bottom” Surgery (orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, vulvoplasty, metoidioplasty, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, vaginectomy, phalloplasty)
    • Vocal Surgery (Wendler glottoplasty)
    • Voice Therapy/Training
  • Psychological support and therapy for couples, parents, and family members of transgender individuals
  • Therapeutic support for social and/or medical gender transition and adjusting post-transition
  • Consultation with your other GAP treatment providers, surgical treatment teams
  • All services available for Male to Female (MtF), Female to Male (FtM) and Non-Binary (N) individuals

According to WPATH, mental health professionals can offer important support to clients throughout all phases of exploration of gender identity, gender expression, and possible transition—not just prior to any possible medical interventions.

It’s important to acknowledge that not everyone who came to this page is looking for support through their transition. Some are simply looking for a trans safe therapy space to process the rest of life’s stressors – work, relationships, trauma, the news. Your gender identity is only a part of who you are – sometimes it’s the focal point and sometimes it’s not.

Reach out today to schedule a consult with Dr. Kelly to discuss your treatment needs.

* Although there are criticisms of this model that are understood by this practice, the WPATH standards of care are the most commonly used criteria to determine “medical eligibility” as outlined by most insurance companies to cover GAP procedures.


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